Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

Reflection with Intention

These thoughtful prompts will guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself, and empower you to approach the coming year with renewed clarity and purpose.

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anxiety Sanaa Hyder anxiety Sanaa Hyder

Regretting your choices?

My instagram feed is filled with happy people on beaches or parents on top of their homeschool game. Why didn't I make those choices!? So, what bad choices, weird side-roads, unexpected turns, and flat out 'that didn't turn out how I expected's brought you here today? What do you do when you think you made a bad decision? How can you be OK with the path that you are on?

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

How to Thrive During a Crisis

What builds resilience and connection? How come we bond in our foxholes or during crisis with strangers? How can we bring that sense of camaraderie to our homes and our families? You're asking me these questions, the world is asking these questions. Read on to get my 3 steps to thriving during a crisis.

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

How To live and work together

Do you live with your partner? Do you raise a family together? Do you share chores? Do you run a business together? Regardless of how you both collaborate and how many hours you spend together or apart, I've got a list of three things you absolutely need to work on in order to make it work.

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

Conversation Starters for Our Home-Bound Life

Here are some ideas for how to stay connected or to develop new connections with your partner and families while spending a lot of time together at home. The value of truly being seen by one another - even for small chunks of time - are huge: better coping skills, more resilience, and better mood.

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

An Abundance of Understanding

Another article about kindness. And this time I break it down further and answer some of your real questions about HOW to bring kindness into a hard discussion and WHY it's ok to be the one to go first.

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

"I don't know how to talk about my feelings"

Most of us were not taught how to share our feelings or even how to identify them. But once we learn how to name and share our feelings, we can deepen our bond and have a safer and more fulfilling relationship.

So how do we do it? Read on.

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

Self Care for the Winter

If you spend time on your health, your mind, your spirituality, your appearance, does that make you self-centered? Or is it vital to take time to make your self more centered during these long winter months?

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

Podcast Episode 5: Kindness, Part 2: Being Your Best Self

Join me in this episode as we continue with an important topic: kindness. Learn how you can cultivate it throughout your relationship to manage your and your partners hurts, and move forward without causing further arguments. Listen in to hear an amazingly helpful analogy that might change how you perceive the importance of kindness!

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Sanaa Hyder Sanaa Hyder

What Does "Work on it" Really Mean?

I often tell my clients that a relationship takes a lot of work. More work than they probably anticipated. It's a myth that the right person just "clicks" with you because we are often attracted to people who push our buttons. So, we must put in some work. But what kind of work?

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